Monday, March 4, 2013

Testing Amazon EC2 network speed

While working with Amazon many aspects remain behind the scenes, which is a benefit for most of users, who require a working service, while having no interest in its implementation. However, this can be a problem for Amazon solution architects. Some of the internal aspects can be learned from Amazon support, yet in most cases deeper understanding requires various tests and experiments.
Think, for instance, of network performance. Does Amazon guarantee a certain bandwidth for each machine? What is the relation between network performance and server resources, region or time of day? I should mention that Amazon support strongly recommends using large machine shapes whenever network speed is critical, while the maximum speed is 1 Gb/sec. However, we would better see for ourselves.

1. Test Conditions and Site Preparation

The goal of this test is to find out the pure maximum network bandwidth, ideally independent from operating system and software. This is why we picked iperf as a testing tool and Ubuntu 12.04 as a platform.

Naturally, running all machines, setting up required software and launching the tests manually is not an option for us.

We have had nearly every operation automated using the following tools:

1.    AMI including a launch script that receives all necessary data from user-data, described here
2.    Chef executing a recipe for installation, configuration and launch of iperf
3.    Cloud Formation launching stacks of required virtual machines as scheduled

The things left unautomated are creation of Cloud Formation templates, display of statistics  and charts drawing. However, all of them can also be easily automated, in case there is a need to run these tests regularly.

Machines are launched in the server-client pairs: a pair for each shape, availability zone and region.

User-data pass Chef server address, a role for Chef client, recipe attributes and a unique tag for each machine pair:


Double quotes on the example above are enclosed so that the ะกloud Formation template can pass validation. Without Cloud Formation there is no need to do that.

The iperf.role attribute contains a machine role: iperf in server mode or iperf in client mode. This tag and role combination is used to create a unique identifier for each machine:

tag = GetValue("#{node[:userdata]}","#{node[[:userdata]}","tag")
node.override['iperf']['hostid'] = "#{tag}_#{node.iperf.role}"

The server simply launches iperf:

execute "iperf-server-run" do
    command "/usr/bin/iperf -s&"
    action :run

Client simply looks for a host with the same tag and server role, retrieves its public_hostname, launches testing and emails its results. All of the above is specified using attributes:

server = search(:node, "hostid:#{node['iperf']['tag']}_server").first[:ec2][:public_hostname]"Server: #{server}")

if server.any?
    execute "iperf-client-run" do
        command "/usr/bin/iperf -t #{node.iperf.time} -c #{server} | mail #{node['iperf']['email']} -s #{node['iperf']['region']}#{node['ipe
        action :run
else"iperf server not found, wait.")

If the client fails to find a server with the required tag, it repeats the search after a specified interval.

Example of a Cloud formation template:

 "AWSTemplateFormatVersion" : "2010-09-09",
 "Parameters" : {
    "InstanceSecurityGroup" : {
      "Description" : "Name of an existing security group",
      "Default" : "iperf",
      "Type" : "String"
 "Resources" : {
    "US1atoUS1aT1MicroServer" : {
      "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance",
      "Properties" : {
       "AvailabilityZone" : "us-east-1a",
        "KeyName" : "test",
        "SecurityGroups" : [{ "Ref" : "InstanceSecurityGroup" }],
        "ImageId" : "ami-31308c58",
        "InstanceType" : "t1.micro",
        "UserData" : { "Fn::Base64" : { "Fn::Join" : ["",[
    "US1atoUS1aT1MicroClient" : {
      "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance",
      "Properties" : {
       "AvailabilityZone" : "us-east-1a",
        "KeyName" : "test",
        "SecurityGroups" : [{ "Ref" : "InstanceSecurityGroup" }],
        "ImageId" : "ami-31308c58",
        "InstanceType" : "t1.micro",
        "UserData" : { "Fn::Base64" : { "Fn::Join" : ["",[

All required regions must have required AMI images and keys provided. Creation of security groups can be described right in the template.

Below is the example of Cloud Formation stack launch by cron:
05 00 * * * cfn-create-stack --template-file=iperf_us-east-1a-to-us-east-1a.template --stack-name iperf-us-east-1a-to-us-east-1a --region us-east-1
50 00 * * * cfn-delete-stack iperf-us-east-1a-to-us-east-1a --region us-east-1 --force

Each stack stays launched for up to one hour for cost effectiveness reasons.

2. Test results.

Each test was run several times to avoid inadvertent distortion. We discarded individual results, markedly different from the general picture and averaged out the rest of the data. 

Figure 1 - Network speed within one availability zone Mb/sec

Figure 2 - Network speed for different availability zones within a single region, Mb/sec

Apparently, ‘m1.medium’ machines perform better compared to ‘m1.large’. We can assume that instances shaped from ‘t1.micro’ to ‘m1.medium’ are launched on less powerful physical servers, which is why ‘m1.medium’ can get all available bandwidth. At the same time, ‘m1.large’ are launched on more powerful yet heavily loaded servers, resulting in lower network speed.

Figure 3 - Different regions within a single continent, Mb/sec

Figure 4 - Inter-regional in US-EAST-1 and EU-WEST-1, Mb/sec

This one shows that the difference in network speed for various shapes is not the same even between regions, however machines optimized by memory (m1) display directly proportional dependency between network speed and machine shapes. We suspect Amazon forcedly limits the speed in this case on hardware level.

Figure 5 - Inter-regional in US-EAST and AP-SOUTHEAST-2, Mb/sec

This test revealed major speed fluctuations diversity launch to launch. This is most likely caused by strong influence of intermediary nodes and communication channels.

Figure 6 - Depending on the time of the day, for m1.medium, Mbits/sec, UTC

In order to check variations in network speed depending on the time of the day we chose ‘m1.medium’ machines, showing fair network speed for average machine shape. Considering that the same pair of machines could show 5-10 percent fluctuations, concluded that time of the day does not have a major influence on network workload

Peculiar facts, revealed during testing:

1.    Approximately 5% of cases involved at least one machine from a stack failing health check and not launching correctly
2.    Nearly 5% of cases involved the whole stack failing to launch and freezing in the ‘creation in progress’ state. We had to delete and re-launch them manually
3.    Machines, optimized by CPU speed (c1) were starting twice as long, as the rest of machines. However, when they are known to launch just as fast as the others, when not using Cloud Formation

I hope this information was useful for you.


  1. Very nice post (and i'm not a spammer)

  2. Very interseting post.

    I would very much like to see this test repeated for the new m3 instance types.

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